Picture Perfect: A Guide to Choosing the Ideal Camera for Every Occasion

Angular Work Shop
1. Introduction:
About Us:
Phani Soft Tech is the IT training forum, which provides wide variety of trainings to beginners. Our main aim to provide quality and simple understandable content to students and beginner learners.
About Course:
In this course mostly concentrate on real time project development using angular. Will give high level theory sessions to understand about the concept. And we mainly focused on reverse engineering techniques to develop the end to end project. Thin course only deals with beginner understandable content not experienced strategies and patterns. Once familiar with beginners content then will go and understand intermediate level work shop.
Part 1 Aim to develop home page design of ORMS (Online Revenue Management System) using html and css in Angular
2. Pre-Requisite
Before starts this workshop you have some basic idea about html, css and javascript
You can click below links to learn basic web technologies.
3. Single Page Application
An SPA (Single-page application) is a web app implementation that loads only a single web document, and then updates the body content of that single document. It allows users to use websites without loading whole new pages from the server, which can result in performance gains and a more dynamic experience
Advantages of SPA's:
1. Quick Loading Time.
2. Users do not have to watch a new page load, as only the content changes and not the page.
3. It is easier to build a content editing web app with real-time analysis using SPA development. Doing this with a traditional web app requires a total page reload to perform content analysis.
4. It is no surprise that SPAs consume less bandwidth since they only load web pages once.
Dis-Advanatages of SPA's:
1. Since SPAs only load a single page, it serves as a disadvantage when ranking on search engines.
2. Creating SPAs often need users to use the latest browsers with support for some modern features.
3. As compared to multi-page apps, SPAs are more prone to cross-site scripting attacks. Using XSS, it becomes easy for hackers to introduce client-side scripts into a web app. Also, SPAs are more likely to expose sensitive data to all users.
Most Popular single page application development frameworks:
1. React Js
2. Angular / Angular Js
3. Meteor
4. Vue.JS
5. Backbone.JS
6. Ember.JS
4. Installation:
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